Profitto e Perdita
(TEST by Portman) La finestra 'Profitto e Perdita' viene mostrata solo quando hai delle scommesse già piazzate o in via di piazzamento. Quando la finestra è ridotta a barra, verrà mostrato nell'intestazione il numero di selezioni del mercato caricato in quel momento.

Profitto e Perdita window docked and rolled up

When expanded the window displays your Profitto/Perdita position for the market or Caso Peggiore position for the market or both depending on your settings. In addition, when placing a bet via the Piazzamento Scommesse window it will show you’re “what if” position if the unplaced bets were matched. {Please note. When Ultra Stretto layout is selected for this window; it is only possible to display either the Profitto/Perdita or Caso Peggiore, not both.}

By right clicking on the header it brings up the various options for this window.

Profitto e Perdita window floating with Opzioni clic tasto destro

  • Caso Peggiore - this shows what you’re potentially Worst Case would be if you had all of your current bets matched. In the image below it shows the Worst Case if the £10 unmatched Back bet on Ballycommon was matched:

Profitto e Perdita window showing a £10 unmatched back bet on Ballycommon

The image below shows the Profitto e Perdita window once the £10 Back bet has been matched at 2.86 on Ballycommon:

Profitto e Perdita window showing a £10 matched back bet on Ballycommon at 2.86

The image below shows the Profitto e Perdita window once the £10 back bet has been matched at 2.86 on Ballycommon and a further £10 back bet has been placed on Ballycommon but is currently unmatched:

Profitto e Perdita window showing a £10 matched back bet on Ballycommon at 2.86 and £10 unmatched back bet on Ballycommon

The image below shows the Profitto e Perdita window once the £10 back bet has been matched at 2.86 on Ballycommon and a £10 lay has been matched on Ballycommon at 2.52, plus a £10 back bet has been placed on Ballycommon but is currently unmatched:

Profitto e Perdita window showing a £10 matched back bet on Ballycommon at 2.86 and a £10 matched lay bet at 2.52 on Ballycommon plus a £10 unmatched back bet on Ballycommon

The image below shows the Profitto e Perdita window with a £10 matched back bet at 2.86, a £10 matched lay bet at 2.52 and the position greened up at 2.46 by laying £1.38:

Profitto e Perdita window showing a £10 matched back bet on Ballycommon at 2.86 and a £10 matched lay bet at 2.52 on Ballycommon with the position greened up at 2.46 by laying £1.38

The “what if” position can be differentiated by the ‘ >> ‘ that proceed the figures in the Profitto e Perdita window.

The image below shows the Profitto e Perdita window displaying the “what if” position if the two unplaced bets , £10 Back bet at 5.0 on Pacific Bay and £10 Lay bet at 4.5 on Minturno, that are currently in the Piazzamento Scommesse window, were matched:

Profitto e Perdita window showing the “what if” position if the two unplaced bets shown in the Piazzamento Scommesse window were matched

The Profitto e Perdita window also works for Handicap, Place, Line & Range markets. Whilst the workings of each market type differ, the window displays the Profitto e Perdita in a similar way to the standard win markets.